The story follows Frank, played by Rain Wilson, who’s wife has been effectively kidnapped by a drug dealing mobster played by Kevin Bacon. He decides to strap on the tights and pull on the mask to try and save her. In an effort to come up with ideas for his superhero persona, he visits a local comic book store where he meets his soon to be sidekick, Libby, played by Ellen Page. She has this really manic, destructive energy that balances out the way we view Frank in a very interesting way.
Before we get to know her, we’ve accepted that Frank is clearly insane, but after we see how off the walls she is, he’s suddenly humanized. It’s as if he’s at a solid 10 but she’s cranked up to 11. It felt like the first step in seeing Frank as a force for good instead of just aimless aggression and frustration. By the end of the movie, we’re offered a moment to reflect on the idea of a single person being a force for good in the world and I found it to be quite powerful.
The movie manages to avoid feeling depressing by infusing a great sense of humor and an amazing upbeat soundtrack. The humor never feels out of place, it’s sometimes dark and shocking and other times very subdued, almost voyeuristic. We can laugh at Frank and Libby but only because they don’t see us laughing at them. It’s humbling and honest.
As a fan of comics all my life, I felt like this was one of the most daring origin stories of any character I've ever seen. At the end of The Killing Joke, a Batman comic written by Alan Moore, we’re asked to view Batman, not as a one dimensional hero that dresses up because, well, that’s what you do. But instead, we see something on the page we’ve never seen before, a deeply troubled man who’s decided that dressing up like a Bat is the only way he can battle his demons. From frame one, Super does this. The whole film, you’re with a man facing this same type of struggle and there’s no mansion, no Batcave, he has nothing. I feel like it will inform all my future comic book adventures in the same way that Killing Joke and Kick-Ass have. I cannot recommend this movie enough.